our capital
markets service

We offer tailor-made advice to both local and international investors to optimise their rea estate returns through in-depth analysis of assets, market opportunities identification and tailored sale and acquisition and sales strategies.

Très professionnel et réactif avec une bonne communication.

Daniel FRANK

Bâloise Assurances Luxembourg

Top service provider. Very client driven and well connected to the market.

Olivier BASTIN


A well-organized competitive sales process with a very positive commercial / financial outcome.

Peter LANG

Immo-Croissance, SICAV-RAIF


Our team

4 experts



Types of property

  • Office
  • Retail
  • Industrial
  • Residential
  • Land

Investors' nationalities


EU including
39% Luxembourg


Non EU



Tot. Market transactions
since 2017


INOWAI transactions
since 2017


Md € of transactions
volume since 2015

Client typology

  • 53%
  • 33%
    Family Offices
  • 14%

Investment strategies

  • Core
  • Value Add
  • Core+
  • Opportunistic

Market shares

29 %

INOWAI since 2017 (number of transactions)


our activities

Acquisition & disposal

Identify the opportunities that best meet your investment criteria, whatever the type of asset you are looking for.
Access a deal flow of off-market opportunities with a tailor-made approach.
Arbitration of your assets at the best market conditions thanks to our network of local and international investors, personalised support throughout the transaction process (preparation, structuring, management, negotiations)

Turning your projects a reality

Drawing up reliable, detailed business plans and valuations of your assets based on market data to guide you in your property strategy, maximise value creation and improve the liquidity of your portfolio (sale & leaseback, development, repositioning, ESG/taxonomy standards, etc.).


Privileged access to our network of customers and partners to finance your development projects and investments (financial institutions, family offices, real estate private equity, crowd funding, etc.) and to a diversified source of financing.
Equity: capital increase, sale of shares.
Debt: senior, junior, mezzanine, convertible bonds.

Due Diligence

Structured support from our team of experts during the due diligence phase, to take into account all the parameters that could influence the value of your asset (tax, legal, financial, technical, town-planning, environmental and regulatory implications).

Buy-side & Sell-side advisory

Representing your interests, whether you are buying or selling, in identifying opportunities, seeking financing, analysing assets and the market, and providing support during negotiations and the due diligence phase.


Q2 2024


  • Sale process off-market
  • Office building: c. 1 630 sqm
  • Seller: Nextensa
  • Buyer: Privé
  • Transaction: Share Deal

Q4 2023


  • Co-exclusive sales contract
  • Office building: c. 10 800 sqm
  • Seller: POST Luxembourg
  • Buyer: Strabag Real Estate
  • Transaction: Share Deal

q3 2022

WOODEN - Leudelange

  • Sale process off-market
  • Office building: c. 9 600 sqm
  • Sellers: BPI Real Estate | IKO Real Estate
  • Buyer: Acron
  • Transaction: Share Deal

q2 2022

AXS - The Edge

  • Sale process off-market
  • Office building: c. 6 219 sqm
  • Seller: Baltisse
  • Buyer: Cardif Lux Vie
  • Transaction: Share Deal

q2 2022

W4 - Leudelange

  • Sale process off-market
  • Office building: c. 15 972 sqm
  • Seller: Parfinindus
  • Buyer: Catella
  • Transaction: Share Deal

q1 2022

AXS - The Corner

  • Sale process off-market
  • Office building: c. 7 075 sqm
  • Seller: Baltisse
  • Buyer: Monceau Assurances
  • Transaction: Share Deal

advisory team

Tehdi Babigeon

tehdi babigeon

Partner, COO & Head of Capital Markets

fr en

Morgan Mevel

Morgan Mével

Senior Investment Advisor

fr en de

Mohamed Boukattan

Senior Investment Advisor

fr en

Margot Salvignol

Administrative & Sales Coordinator

fr en

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INOWAI Belval agence